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My Dungeons & Dragons Portfolio Had Nothing To Do With D&D

Dungeons and Dragons Portfolio 2020-04-05-0029.jpg My Dungeons & Dragons Portfolio Had Nothing To Do With D&DThumbnailsMy Dungeons & Dragons Portfolio Had Nothing To Do With D&DMy Dungeons & Dragons Portfolio Had Nothing To Do With D&DThumbnailsMy Dungeons & Dragons Portfolio Had Nothing To Do With D&DMy Dungeons & Dragons Portfolio Had Nothing To Do With D&DThumbnailsMy Dungeons & Dragons Portfolio Had Nothing To Do With D&DMy Dungeons & Dragons Portfolio Had Nothing To Do With D&DThumbnailsMy Dungeons & Dragons Portfolio Had Nothing To Do With D&D

lly trust all the time and not Just mast of the time.I'm
going; to forget about the entire thing: and pretend it never
1 never noticed' it. before,.but most of my friends act
more mature around a lot of people»I don't know why,but it
Just, seems to happen that way,Idon't know if I do that.* I' 11
have to watch myself the next time I'm around everyone*1
only say that because when Paula was with me in the van,she
was acting Just like a kid,which is, I guess,.what she is,but
she doesn't usually act like that around everybody else*I
wonder why? . -
I guess it's about two months until I start high school*
I can hardly wait,but I'm sure I'm going to-hate it*I'm go-
ing to a private.,.all boys school.I already know a lot about
the school,so it*'s not like I'm going: to an unknown terrain.
It'll probably be a lot. of fun,but you never know.I'm not
going to be able to Join any clubs because I have to go to
-this school of music after school every day,I guess that
knocks out all the clubs I wanted to Join.With this thing
going, on every day,J'm not gonna be able to do anything at
all.Everyone knows that everything happens after school is
out.I don't, know if this music, thing will be any- good or
not.I guess my opinion of it depends on how many zillions
of clubs I won't join.This promises to be a crappy four years
from my point of view ..I don't know how much I'll see of all
my buddies during: high school.The girl.s are. all going to an
all girls high school across town,so I probably won't, see
much of them either.I don't know what to expect from this
school.,but I think I'll be happy for going there after I
leave.Most of the kids in my class are going there too.One
guy's going to. another school because he wants to streak
through the girls high school as an initiation into some
club.All the other guys that aren't, going to my school are
going to public high schools,Two months is a long time to
wait to go to something you've been waiting for for most of
your life .High school.High school.I love that word.High school.